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Fertility Counselling
Please Read.
This includes all types of Fertility Counselling which may be required, such as Support for anyone going through the IVF process and Implications Counselling for people using Donor sperm or eggs.
Fertility Support Counselling - This is the standard support counselling for people going through IVF treatment. **Please note if you are entitled to free sessions from your clinic this is the type of session to book.
To view if you have been assigned free sessions
1) Log into your account and then select "My Account" in the top right corner
2) If you are entitled to free sessions there is a tab on the left hand-side called "Packages and Memberships" - This should contain details to what you are entitled.
Please note if the "Packages & Memberships" tab is not there or you believe there to be an issue with your number of free sessions, please contact
Implications Counselling - Please only book this session if your clinic has advised you to.
20-minute Free Introduction - If you're not entitled to any free sessions from your clinic, this is a chance for you to meet a counsellor and get some more information.
Select a session
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times
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